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Conversion to the Christian faith has great ongoing challenges for all of us, but at the same time it brings great joy into our daily lives.  Jesus said "I have come to give you life and life in all its fullness."

Paul's conversion to the Christian faith on the road to Damascus is a shattering realisation that no one is beyond the saving grace of God.  Paul's early life was marked by his brutal violence and relentless persecution of Jesus' followers, yet Paul's former life was completely shattered on the road to Damascus, life was completely turned around by his conversion to the young Christian church and he became one of its first and most important leaders.

Ananias, who knew he was being called to help Paul, was so afraid because he knew Saul's reputation as a merciless persecutor of Christians.  But Ananias knew that God was with him and he gained the strength and boldness required and he was able to help Paul see that Christ is the way, the truth and the life.​  Paul later wrote "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."  


Let that be a challenging and joyful message to us too.

He Knew... We Know

Nan Rennie, our Deaconess took a service some years back which centred around the text "Simeon took the child in his arms and gave thanks to God" (Luke 2:28).  She reminded us that Simeon had waited all his life to see God's promise of a Saviour for Israel - and at the moment he took baby Jesus in his arms to bless him - he knew that this child was God's chosen one.  He knew at that very moment that God had fulfilled his promise. 


There are moments in our lives when we are carrying a burden or have a question answered or are at a crossroads in our lives and suddenly we know what's right for us.  We know the right path and more importantly,  that the path won't be walked on our own. "Lo, I am with you always."  This is God's promise to all of us. 

May that promise be something we feel and know for ever; just as Simeon knew.  



Church isn't where we meet.  Church isn't our new build. Church is what we do as People of the Way.  Church is who we are.  Let us not go to Church.  Let us strive to be the Church that Christ wants us to be.

Our Creed: This I Believe

I believe in God Our Father 

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One


I believe in You

I believe You rose again

I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord

God's Love


There is nothing we can do to make God love us more.

There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.

Our Prayer


Lord Jesus Christ, I give you this day.  

Guide and guard my steps along the way.

Send Us Out


Send us out this week with power, conviction and courage; to serve You this week.

God Is In Us


God is in us, with us and working through us.



Sunday is a very special day.  It is the first day of a new week.  It is a watershed between the old week that has gone, with its good and bad, and a new week, yet unknown, with its opportunities and challenges.


It is also the Lord's Day, a time for celebration and worship. Sunday is a time to get connected! Connected to our God - the source of our being; connected with each other - God's family here in St Martin's; and connected with our real selves - who we are truly meant to be or become with God's help.  Why would anyone want to miss it! 


Please come and join us. A warm welcome awaits you.   

St Martin's Parish Church, 4 Magdalene Drive, Edinburgh EH15 3DB

Serving the community of Magdalene, Bingham, Duddingston, The Jewel and surrounding areas.   A congregation of the Church of Scotland: Scottish Charity Number: SCO13918

Website built by The Pend Studio with additions by Bill Wishart 

Photography by The Pend Studio / Agnes Ferguson / Linda Reid / Tony Taylor / Bill Wishart / Church of Scotland.  All rights reserved.

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